Thursday, August 20, 2009

Pata de Res and the Notch Rating System

Today was another adventure back to Tacos Y Cemitas, the wonderful Mexican restaurant in Canoga Park. My friend Kevin went along today.

Kevin opted for the Huevos Rancheros and said they were “Top Notch”. In fact he rated them “2 notches”. We’ll discuss The Food Dude’s new rating system a little bit later.

Ofcourse I wanted to try another wonderful Cemitas. This time I was intrigued by the Cemitas de Pata. Pata or Pata de Res is the Foot of a Cow. It is normally pickled.

All I can say, I tried it once and I won’t be trying it again. Pata had a slight vinegar flavor, from the pickling, otherwise it was pretty bland. The texture was like eating the knuckle of a chicken bone. You know? When your eating a chicken leg and you get that little piece of grizzly knuckle in your mouth? The texture really turned me off.

I have ate some pretty adventurous food in my life, but somehow I just couldn’t get over the texture of Pata. I ate my whole cemitas, except for the few bites of Pata that spilled out, those I left on my plate.

I would normally rate a Cemitas a “1 Notch” meal, but today I had to rate it “0 Notches”.

So, what is with this “Notch” rating system? Well my friend Kevin suggested this to me and I love it. Many times, after a great meal, one feels like they need to let a notch out of their belt, just to breathe. Sometimes if the meal is really great, we may need to let out 2 or 3 notches. Thus the concept of the “Notch Rating System”.

1 Notch – Good Meal
2 Notches – Darn Good Meal
3 Notches – A Feast for a King

What about 0 Notches? Well a Zero Notch Meal is one that we only “rent” we didn’t “buy”. (I’ll let you figure this one out).

Until Next Time.....Cook On!!!

The Food Dude


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