Friday, October 31, 2008

End of Week 1 of Cranberry Liqueur

Well Week 1 is over. Time to stir the "mash" and let sit for 1 more week.

1 Week Part 2

I also received the Cookbook, "Classic Liqueurs, The Art of Making & Cooking with Liqueurs" by Cheryl Long and Heather Kirby.

A couple of tips that I read in this book that were not mentioned in the recipe I received but are in the book itself are:

1. Be sure to sterlize the aging container by either boiling in water for 15 minutes or running through a complete cycle of the dishwasher, sans soap

2. The Aging time on all the recipes in the book are a suggestion to provide a nice quality liqueur suitable for cooking/baking. However longer aging is preferred, up to 1 year. These liqueurs will be at their peak of smoothness at 1 year aging and can hold up to 3 years.

Classic Liqueurs

Additionally, I read that most of the liqueur recipes, although can use 80 Proof Vodka, are best with a 180-190 proof pure grain alcohol such as Everclear. Hpwever in California we can only buy 151 proof and it's around $14 a bottle. So the next time I'm in Mexico I plan on picking up 3 or 4 cases of 190 Proof Everclear at about $4-$5 per bottle.

Until Next Time.....Cook On!!!

The Food Dude


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